…20 years too early? backlash: redux:reflux!! …it’s time to get this up and running! plan of attack: a series featuring a brand new, redrawn refluxed version with a modified story: moar cyberpunk action! a collectable figurine a short film photo editiorials a trade paperback graphic novel compiling the new series and the original version …stay […]
Tag: cyberpunk
flare : gothikdiva
[KGVID]http://mnem0sys.synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Flare-Gothik-DIVA.mp4[/KGVID] snippets:works.in.progress flare.shortfilm.reflux sonix: amon tobin model: diva narkotik [aesop_gallery id=”368″ revealfx=”fromleft” overlay_revealfx=”off”]