jawbreakers attacked by mainstream haterz

update: repost: Mark Waid & the other SJW Crybullies were TERRIFIED of having to compete against a non-political crowd-funded superhero comic book on the stands. They bullied a small publisher so viciously that the owner’s nerves were shot in less than 36 hours. this shit is unfuckin cool Not my thang but this cat is […]

backlash : reflux

…20 years too early? backlash: redux:reflux!! …it’s time to get this up and running! plan of attack: a series featuring a brand new, redrawn refluxed version with a modified story: moar cyberpunk action! a collectable figurine a short film photo editiorials a trade paperback graphic novel compiling the new series and the original version …stay […]

jawbreakers kicks azz

Bravo!!! Not my thang but this cat is doing what he wants to do and gittin it done… time for some more of that! stay tuned check him out: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jawbreakers-lost-souls-graphic-novel/x/18710109#/

razorgurlz prototype edit mode

working edit of razorgurLz prototype WHAT: prototype magazine mixing edgy erotic art photography, cosplay editorials and comix. TARGET AUDIENCE: +18 humans that dig femme.erOtik.sexy.visions in various modes. WHO: mNem0sys: featuring divanarkotik glitterfist mercedes the muse diamondmarine stephen galvin kaedegirl …the razOrgurLz razorgurLz? =sexy.azz.they.wanna.be while kickin namez and takin azz…ahem. COMIX: BACKLASH REFLUX 8pg preview of […]

Electrical Discharge Carved Southwest

[reposted via youtube] ThunderboltsProject Published on Apr 19, 2018 EU2017: Future Science — Rebroadcast—only $29: https://www.electricuniverse.live The American southwest is an ideal testing ground for the hypotheses of Electric Universe geology. Laboratory experiments with electrical discharges have opened new theoretical pathways that inquirers in increasing numbers around the world are following. A remarkable contributor to […]